This is an original vintage t-shirt from the television sitcom, Married With Children that aired on Fox from April 5, 1987 to June 9, 1997. Starring Ed O'Neill as Al Bundy and Katey Sagal as Peggy Bundy. This controversial series following the lives of a dysfunctional family was filled with censorship issues and actually had one episode banned from TV because it was "too graphic" for the 1990s. Oh, how times have changed!
- Vendor Style #: CAPSULE-2-MARRIEDWIT
- 120V23
- Crew neckline
- Short sleeves
- Front graphic
- Unisex fit
- Vintage size X-Large (sleeve lengths and back lengths will always vary since each t-shirt is produced by a different brand):X-Large = 46 to 48-inch chest
- 100% Cotton
- Machine wash cold
Vintage 1987 Married With Children TV Show T-Shirt